Spring 2025 Student Body Elections

Spring 2025 Student Body Elections
Total Ballots Cast in Election: 12172
Student Body President and Student Body Vice President
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
 11294 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (11294 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 3464  30.67% Brandon Beller / Gia Viggiano
  #2 3306  29.27% Carter Mallory / Kathleen Parks
  #3 2630  23.29% Colton Whisenant / Brock Barrington
  #4 1727  15.29% Riley Pritzlaff / Ezra Villarreal
  #5    6   0.05% Sam Seidenberger (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #6    5   0.04% Josh Sanders (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #7    5   0.04% Mix Miller (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #8    4   0.04% Dylan Mcginnis / Garrett Knowles (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #9    4   0.04% Burd (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #10    3   0.03% David Jones (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #11    3   0.03% Aaron Prinz (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #12    2   0.02% Keaton Pruit (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #13    2   0.02% Nathan Kekoa O'toole (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #14    2   0.02% Andrew Acuna / Charlton Bruton (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #15    2   0.02% Douglas Schwertner (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #16    2   0.02% Bryce Ridgeway / Aiden Moon (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #17    2   0.02% Khoa Ly (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #18    2   0.02% Jackson Steele (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #19    2   0.02% Spencer O'daniel (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #20    2   0.02% Rachel Smet (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #21    2   0.02% Andrew Acuna (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #22    2   0.02% The Mugdown (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #23    2   0.02% Coby Scrudder / Ella Mulholland (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #24    2   0.02% Sam Bederman (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #25    2   0.02% Bubble Report (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #26    2   0.02% William Baty (Removed, Too Few Votes)
 #27    2   0.02% Pato Campos (Removed, Too Few Votes)

Round 2 (11231 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 3496  31.13% Brandon Beller / Gia Viggiano
  #2 3336  29.70% Carter Mallory / Kathleen Parks
  #3 2656  23.65% Colton Whisenant / Brock Barrington
  #4 1743  15.52% Riley Pritzlaff / Ezra Villarreal (Removed, End of Round)
Round 3 (10583 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 3836  36.25% Brandon Beller / Gia Viggiano
  #2 3792  35.83% Carter Mallory / Kathleen Parks
  #3 2955  27.92% Colton Whisenant / Brock Barrington (Removed, End of Round)
Round 4 (9459 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 4839  51.16% Carter Mallory / Kathleen Parks (Winner)
  #2 4620  48.84% Brandon Beller / Gia Viggiano (Removed, End of Round)
Senior Yell Leader
     3 Vote(s) Per Person
  9688 Eligible Ballots
  7845  80.98% Luke Widener (Winner)
  7761  80.11% Kyler Fife (Winner)
  6982  72.07% Heath Flanagan (Winner)
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    41   0.42% Richard Ybarra
    37   0.38% Cole Brooks
    31   0.32% Rachel Smet
    17   0.18% Luke Widener
    16   0.17% Heath Flanagan
    16   0.17% Kyler Fife
    10   0.10% The Mugdown
     9   0.09% Nathan Tran
     8   0.08% Cale Morrow
     8   0.08% Michael Hesseltine
     8   0.08% Sam Seidenberger
     7   0.07% Tucker Flatt
     6   0.06% Bechtel Bishop
     6   0.06% Carson Burkhart
     6   0.06% Sawyer Rabalais
     6   0.06% Tex Ainley
     5   0.05% Jake Hogue
     5   0.05% Robert Sifuentes
     5   0.05% Sam Gilbreath
     5   0.05% Sam Reynolds
     4   0.04% Jackson Steele
     4   0.04% Kevin Pierce
     4   0.04% Martin Mulinix
     4   0.04% Zach Spanhak
     3   0.03% Alex Stark
     3   0.03% Andres Mena
     3   0.03% Andrew Colvert
     3   0.03% Blaine Warner
     3   0.03% Brant Tubbs
     3   0.03% Brian Larson
     3   0.03% Bryce Polan
     3   0.03% Chase Behrens
     3   0.03% David Buckles
     3   0.03% David Light
     3   0.03% Eric Gu
     3   0.03% Gabe Tracy
     3   0.03% Gunner Parsons
     3   0.03% Ja Morant
     3   0.03% Jacob Beatty
     3   0.03% Jason Henry Moore
     3   0.03% Jonah Lankford
     3   0.03% Josh Sanders
     3   0.03% Me
     3   0.03% Nayab Warach
Junior Yell Leader
     2 Vote(s) Per Person
  9588 Eligible Ballots
  6443  67.20% Luke Rollins (Winner)
  6081  63.42% Josh Brewton (Winner)
  3498  36.48% Bryan Langford
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    15   0.16% Roy Doggett
    13   0.14% Luke Rollins
    11   0.11% Josh Brewton
    10   0.10% Bryan Langford
     7   0.07% Owen Percy
     7   0.07% The Mugdown
     6   0.06% Cole Brooks
     6   0.06% Sam Seidenberger
     5   0.05% Brooke Moskovitz
     5   0.05% Gunner Parsons
     4   0.04% Bechtel Bishop
     4   0.04% Jackson Steele
     4   0.04% Sam Keith
     4   0.04% Trey Bass
     3   0.03% Brant Tubbs
     3   0.03% Gabe Tracy
     3   0.03% Michael Hesseltine
Senior Class President (Class of 2026)
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
  2248 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (2248 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 1698  75.53% Josh Sanders (Winner)
  #2  505  22.46% Jaymeson Faith Hacker
  #3    5   0.22% Jeff Graham (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #4    5   0.22% Andrew Acuna (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #5    3   0.13% Douglas Schwertner (Removed, Too Few Votes)

Round 2 (2222 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 1708  76.87% Josh Sanders (Winner)
  #2  514  23.13% Jaymeson Faith Hacker (Removed, End of Round)
Class of 2026 Agents
     5 Vote(s) Per Person
  1860 Eligible Ballots
   764  41.08% Riley Pritzlaff (Winner)
   680  36.56% Kaitlin Ha (Winner)
   592  31.83% Josie Adams (Winner)
   570  30.65% Logan Baker (Winner)
   549  29.52% John Andruss (Winner)
   522  28.06% Jaymeson Faith Hacker
   510  27.42% Isabella Grogman
   465  25.00% Briani Plancarte-Saenz
   443  23.82% Barrett Brown
   334  17.96% Evan Lopez
   309  16.61% Aydin Swales
   277  14.89% Sebastian Isaac Guerra
Legacy Night Value
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
  2283 Eligible Ballots
   604  26.46% Selfless Service (Winner)
   393  17.21% Loyalty
   379  16.60% Excellence
   351  15.37% Integrity
   292  12.79% Leadership
   264  11.56% Respect
Junior Class President (Class of 2027)
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
  2684 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (2684 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 1534  57.15% Cole Sloan (Winner)
  #2 1099  40.95% Jackson Steele
  #3    2   0.07% Owen Percy (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #4    2   0.07% Roy Doggett (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #5    2   0.07% Sam Seidenberger (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #6    2   0.07% Bechtel Bishop (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #7    2   0.07% Sam Bederman (Removed, Too Few Votes)

Round 2 (2659 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 1548  58.22% Cole Sloan (Winner)
  #2 1111  41.78% Jackson Steele (Removed, End of Round)
Sophomore Class President (Class of 2028)
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
  2498 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (2498 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 1447  57.93% Audri Poage (Winner)
  #2 1006  40.27% Camila Vivanco
  #3    6   0.24% Keaton Pruit (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #4    3   0.12% William Logan Mack (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #5    3   0.12% Joshua Putty (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #6    2   0.08% David Light (Removed, Too Few Votes)
  #7    2   0.08% Mix Miller (Removed, Too Few Votes)

Round 2 (2484 Ballots Remaining)
  #1 1465  58.98% Audri Poage (Winner)
  #2 1019  41.02% Camila Vivanco (Removed, End of Round)
Senator for College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
     5 Vote(s) Per Person
  1229 Eligible Ballots
   755  61.43% Bryce Fisher (Winner)
   719  58.50% Avery Fohn (Winner)
   699  56.88% Clay Williams (Winner)
   651  52.97% Tanner Owen (Winner)
   492  40.03% Russell Imeokparia (Winner)
   422  34.34% Briani Plancarte-Saenz
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    12   0.98% Sam Seidenberger
     8   0.65% Landon Southern
     7   0.57% Connor Pence
     5   0.41% Jonah Lankford
     4   0.33% Briani Plancarte-saenz
     4   0.33% Bryce Barkemeyer
     3   0.24% Gage Walsh
Senator for School of Architecture and School of Fine Arts
     3 Vote(s) Per Person
   337 Eligible Ballots
   150  44.51% Madison Jackson (Winner)
   119  35.31% Lucy Allen (Winner)
   103  30.56% Kip Royal (Winner)
   101  29.97% Sebastian Isaac Guerra
    99  29.38% Jonah Williams
    83  24.63% Karsen Council
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
Senator for College of Arts and Sciences
     8 Vote(s) Per Person
  1561 Eligible Ballots
   582  37.28% Caroline Schmidt (Winner)
   559  35.81% Avery Attaway (Winner)
   480  30.75% Allison Gesino (Winner)
   410  26.27% Sookyum Kim (Winner)
   407  26.07% Jaylen Richards (Winner)
   398  25.50% Jack Yoast (Winner)
   397  25.43% Austin Williams (Winner)
   384  24.60% Gavin Dealy (Winner)
   372  23.83% Chandler Vernon
   370  23.70% Megan Garcia
   363  23.25% Leo Reyes
   346  22.17% Pranay Indurti
   331  21.20% Wesley Allen Pokluda
   328  21.01% Vicky Duno
   322  20.63% Henry Wurster
   302  19.35% Killian Netherton
   186  11.92% Ethan Vaile
   171  10.95% Sumith Kishore
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    18   1.15% The Mugdown
     8   0.51% Bryce Polan
     6   0.38% Emily Moran
Senator for Lowry Mays School of Business
     4 Vote(s) Per Person
  1419 Eligible Ballots
   729  51.37% Josh Sanders (Winner)
   624  43.97% Walker Wright (Winner)
   558  39.32% Josh Collins (Winner)
   486  34.25% Cole Horton (Winner)
   333  23.47% Grant Atkinson
   262  18.46% Colton R Dwyer
   246  17.34% Shreya Patwardhan
   212  14.94% Abhinav Vasudevan
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    34   2.40% Victoria Dominguez
     4   0.28% Andrew Colvert
Senator for School of Education and Human Development
     4 Vote(s) Per Person
   579 Eligible Ballots
   384  66.32% Sydney Roberts (Winner)
   361  62.35% Lauren Grace Maynard (Winner)
   337  58.20% Robert Hargrove (Winner)
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    25   4.32% Nathan Williams (Winner)
     5   0.86% Jackson Steele
     4   0.69% Ty Gore
Senator for College of Engineering
     9 Vote(s) Per Person
  1661 Eligible Ballots
   584  35.16% Ethan Wu (Winner)
   532  32.03% Martha Tucker (Winner)
   519  31.25% Beau Bradley (Winner)
   508  30.58% Jason Schuck (Winner)
   479  28.84% Caleb Wells (Winner)
   470  28.30% Kevin Dao (Winner)
   465  28.00% Tyler Choe (Winner)
   459  27.63% Mikhail Medvedev (Winner)
   441  26.55% James Bisone (Winner)
   427  25.71% Ananya Bhawsinka (Disqualified)
   427  25.71% Torin Knox
   421  25.35% Jojo Owens
   406  24.44% Reyna Romero
   381  22.94% Varsha Valiveti
   364  21.91% Antonio Gordon
   349  21.01% Khoa Ly
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    18   1.08% Brian Larson
    15   0.90% Barrett Brown
     9   0.54% Caleb Elizondo
     9   0.54% Eric Gu
     9   0.54% Harambe
     9   0.54% Kanye West
     9   0.54% Kavin Nainar
     9   0.54% Kyle Stanislaus
     9   0.54% Marcel Reed
     9   0.54% Sam Bederman
     4   0.24% Gabe Tracy
     4   0.24% Matthew Monroy
     3   0.18% Joshua Montemayor
     3   0.18% Nathan Williams
Senator for Bush School of Government and Public Service
     3 Vote(s) Per Person
   453 Eligible Ballots
   226  49.89% Camila Vivanco (Winner)
   211  46.58% Brendan Hurt (Winner)
   210  46.36% Trevor M. Chesler (Winner)
   146  32.23% Sebastian (Seb) Duarte
   122  26.93% Quillan Thurman
    90  19.87% Ella Stepan
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
    19   4.19% Joshua Leible
Senator for Health Science Center and School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
     4 Vote(s) Per Person
   538 Eligible Ballots
   352  65.43% Elle Lammons (Winner)
   246  45.72% Ben Williams (Winner)
   245  45.54% Isabel Westlake (Winner)
   242  44.98% Hudson Smith (Winner)
   185  34.39% Angie Hess
   148  27.51% Cord Carter
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
     4   0.74% Sam Keith
Senator for Corps of Cadets
     3 Vote(s) Per Person
   970 Eligible Ballots
   712  73.40% Sam Chew (Winner)
   633  65.26% Savannah Collinsworth (Winner)
   606  62.47% Tyler Long (Winner)
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
     4   0.41% Keaton Pruit
     3   0.31% Andrew Acuna
     3   0.31% Bryce Barkemeyer
Senator for On-Campus Caucus
     7 Vote(s) Per Person
   897 Eligible Ballots
   398  44.37% Mary Claire Hughes (Winner)
   383  42.70% Lindsey Alvarez (Winner)
   381  42.47% Ava Kotsen (Winner)
   367  40.91% Bri Burnside (Winner)
   346  38.57% Adelade Edgington (Winner)
   286  31.88% Trevor von Wupperfeld (Winner)
   272  30.32% Ben Willis (Winner)
   268  29.88% Clay Conn
   267  29.77% Parker Madsen
   243  27.09% Ely Mathews
   219  24.41% Nolan Iordanescu
   186  20.74% Chidimma Tasie
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
     7   0.78% Harambe
Senator for Off-Campus Caucus
    28 Vote(s) Per Person
  6476 Eligible Ballots
  1762  27.21% Audri Poage (Winner)
  1634  25.23% Cole Sloan (Winner)
  1168  18.04% Ryan Adamec (Winner)
  1150  17.76% Paige Pesek (Winner)
  1115  17.22% Chloe Hedgecock (Winner)
  1108  17.11% Jackson Steele (Winner)
  1054  16.28% Eli Purtell (Winner)
  1053  16.26% Lauren Teetes (Winner)
  1038  16.03% Vanessa Flores (Winner)
  1021  15.77% Emmy van der Heijden (Winner)
  1014  15.66% Sofia Keiser (Winner)
  1004  15.50% Allison Murray (Winner)
  1002  15.47% Loren Hicks (Winner)
  1001  15.46% Justin Brown (Winner)
   981  15.15% Alexis Wilhite (Winner)
   967  14.93% Gavin Monk (Winner)
   961  14.84% Avery Fleenor (Winner)
   948  14.64% Brooke Barber (Winner)
   941  14.53% Lauren Clark (Winner)
   931  14.38% Campbell Stites (Winner)
   919  14.19% Cullen Honea (Winner)
   916  14.14% Kate Wilkins (Winner)
   912  14.08% Charlie Glover (Winner)
   895  13.82% Bria Glaser (Winner)
   888  13.71% Brooke Becker (Winner)
   888  13.71% Paris Sanchez (Winner)
   882  13.62% Hailey Garcia (Winner)
   873  13.48% Leigha Hall (Winner)
   869  13.42% Robert Blackburn
   868  13.40% Becky Guzman
   868  13.40% Cash Smith
   866  13.37% Kelsey Cornell
   859  13.26% Chidi Uwakwe
   857  13.23% Parker Kelsey
   853  13.17% Natalie Troyer
   839  12.96% David Lax
   806  12.45% Corinne Banta
   785  12.12% Ashlyn Pool (Disqualified)
   783  12.09% Sydney Middleton
   775  11.97% Jasper Shaw
   722  11.15% Auva Oghatiyan
   705  10.89% Ahwrey Scarpinato
   687  10.61% Melody Medina
   686  10.59% Analucia Vargas
   681  10.52% Brayden Pennigton
   677  10.45% Hayden Hawley
   675  10.42% Humzah Ahmad
   657  10.15% Jamie Lincoln
   644   9.94% Brandon Rodriguez
   615   9.50% Zia Barton
   599   9.25% Nataly Taylor
   595   9.19% Harper Parson
   593   9.16% Benny Torres
   568   8.77% Anaiya Chitre
   565   8.72% Haley Bryand
   559   8.63% Joaquin Tagle
   549   8.48% Corissa Perez
   546   8.43% Mathew Dalu
Write-Ins (3+ Votes):
   258   3.98% Barrett Brown
    78   1.20% Sam Seidenberger
    56   0.86% Brian Larson
    56   0.86% The Mugdown
    29   0.45% Marcel Reed
    28   0.43% Bryce Polan
    28   0.43% Eric Gu
    28   0.43% Jackson Steele
    28   0.43% Jonah Lankford
    28   0.43% Kanye West
    28   0.43% Rachel Smet
    28   0.43% Sam Keith
    28   0.43% Spencer O'daniel
    28   0.43% Will Pearson
    20   0.31% Douglas Schwertner
    19   0.29% Colton & Brock
    17   0.26% Cody Carey
    17   0.26% Max Morales
    10   0.15% Andrew Colvert
     7   0.11% Tyler Towns
     5   0.08% Me
     4   0.06% Bechtel Bishop
     4   0.06% Morgan Dew
     4   0.06% Walker Wright
     3   0.05% Austin Williams
     3   0.05% Gabe Tracy
     3   0.05% Tyler Choe
     3   0.05% Will Kuster
RHA President
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
     0 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (0 Ballots Remaining)
Honors Student Council President
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
   640 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (640 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  640 100.00% Zoe Moss (Winner)
Honors Student Council Executive Vice President
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
   643 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (643 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  643 100.00% Axel Hernandez (Winner)
Honors Student Council Vice President of Academics
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
   395 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (395 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  117  29.62% Nicole Mikaelyan
  #2  107  27.09% Natasha Cardozo
  #3   74  18.73% Sruthi Vallabhajosyula
  #4   52  13.16% Sohani Ramnani
  #5   25   6.33% Ragd Elsaigh
  #6   20   5.06% Roci Elsaigh (Removed, End of Round)
Round 2 (387 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  121  31.27% Nicole Mikaelyan
  #2  108  27.91% Natasha Cardozo
  #3   76  19.64% Sruthi Vallabhajosyula
  #4   52  13.44% Sohani Ramnani
  #5   30   7.75% Ragd Elsaigh (Removed, End of Round)
Round 3 (372 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  124  33.33% Nicole Mikaelyan
  #2  110  29.57% Natasha Cardozo
  #3   80  21.51% Sruthi Vallabhajosyula
  #4   58  15.59% Sohani Ramnani (Removed, End of Round)
Round 4 (347 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  131  37.75% Nicole Mikaelyan
  #2  125  36.02% Natasha Cardozo
  #3   91  26.22% Sruthi Vallabhajosyula (Removed, End of Round)
Round 5 (301 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  152  50.50% Nicole Mikaelyan (Winner)
  #2  149  49.50% Natasha Cardozo (Removed, End of Round)
Honors Student Council Vice President PR Representative
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
     0 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (0 Ballots Remaining)
Honors Student Council Treasurer
     1 Vote(s) Per Person
   439 Eligible Ballots
Round 1 (439 Ballots Remaining)
  #1  239  54.44% Tara Arnold (Winner)
  #2  200  45.56% Grant Martinez (Removed, End of Round)